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Mae ymgynghoriad Comisiwn Trafnidiaeth De-ddwyrain Cymru, ‘Dweud eich Dweud’, bellach wedi cau/ The South East Wales Transport Commission's 'Have Your Say’ consultation is now closed

Mae ymgynghoriad Comisiwn Trafnidiaeth De-ddwyrain Cymru, ‘Dweud eich Dweud’, bellach wedi cau. Diolch i bawb a gymerodd o’r amser i gyfrannu. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn brysur yn adolygu’r data a fydd yn llywio ein hadroddiad dros dro, a gyhoeddir cyn yr haf, a’r Argymhellion Terfynol y byddwn ni’n eu cyflwyno i Lywodraeth Cymru tua diwedd y flwyddyn. Yn y cyfamser, byddwch yn gallu gweld cynnwys y wefan, ond ni fyddwch yn gallu ychwanegu sylwadau. I gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am waith y Comisiwn, dilynwch ni ar Twitter @SEWTCommission neu ewch i’n gwefan

The South East Wales Transport Commission's 'Have Your Say’ consultation is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to contribute. We have been busy reviewing the data which will inform our Interim Report due to be published before the summer, and our Final Recommendations which we will make to the Welsh Government around the end of the year. In the meantime, the site content will be available to view but not to add further comments. To keep up to date with the work of the Commission, follow us on Twitter @SEWTCommission or visit our website

Posted on 15th April 2020

by South East Wales Transport Commission

Commission publishes early 'fast-track' recommendations to Welsh Ministers

The South East Wales Transport Commission has today (17 December 2019) published a report, providing an update on its work and recommending a small number of ‘fast-track’ measures for easing congestion on the M4.

The Commission’s progress update includes ‘fast-track’ recommendations to Welsh Ministers to:

  • introduce an average speed control of 50mph around junction 24 to 28 of the M4 (replacing the existing variable speed limit over the same extents)
  • provide additional lane guidance on the M4 westbound approach to the Brynglas tunnels and use bollards to prevent late lane changes
  • enhance traffic officer support on the M4 and extend patrols to the A48 and A4810 in Newport.
  • Beyond this, the Commission is considering solutions to improve the transport network across south east Wales. The focus of future recommendations will be much broader than the initial ‘fast-track’ recommendations relating to the M4, and will include alternative transport modes.

    Lord Burns, Chair of the South East Wales Transport Commission, said:

    "I wholeheartedly recognise the scale and importance of the task to improve acute transport issues within the region.Our aim as a Commission is to recommend a set of measures which will improve transport in a sustainable way that supports the wider well-being of people who live, work and travel in south east Wales.The recommendations in this initial report are measures that can be swiftly implemented. I believe they will have a modest but noticeable effect on alleviating congestion on the M4.Our longer-term recommendations will encompass a much wider set of measures, relating to bus, rail, active travel, road improvement, governance and wider policies."For more information contact:

    Posted on 28th January 2020

    by Katie Allister